On Wednesday, Cristiano Ronaldo unveiled ‘UR-Cristino,’ his new YouTube channel. In less than two hours, the Portuguese football player’s channel amassed one million subscribers on social media. He has 18 videos and over 14 million subscribers as of right now.
Cristiano Ronaldo is not just a major force in sports around the world. The Portuguese striker, who was having a rough time with Al Nassr, decided to use a marketing ploy and launch a new YouTube channel called “UR Cristiano.”
Within hours of the footballer’s proposal on social media, it received an enormous amount of attention. Although the channel was established on July 8, the first eighteen films were only released on Wednesday. Some were inspirational, some more focused on his work, and there was even a question-and-answer session with Georgina Rodriguez, his partner.
Cristiano Ronaldo broke records for subscriptions, as was expected. Within minutes, he had crossed 100,000 subscribers, and in less than two hours, he had surpassed one million. He is so popular that he currently has over 14 million subscribers and will only get bigger.
Whether for marketing purposes or not, the Portuguese celebrity creates a new avenue for his own brand to grow off the field. Although he will be the one making the decisions and directing the video that he uploads to YouTube, he will have a crew overseeing the channel.